
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. 

Proverbs 27:17 (NLT)

We know that in order to develop community and growth, we need to pursue it!  We know it’s not given automatically.   Our goal is to make sure we are connected, not only just during Sunday gatherings, but also in weekly community.  At Suncrest Worship, our vision is to see everyone in a community, growing in Christ.  
Growth happens where there is gathering for the purpose of helping one another take next steps with Jesus. 

small groups

Dive deeper.
Most small groups meet in homes, during the week.  
Sign-ups will be available in September for our fall groups!
All open groups will be listed on the sign up link.
Age listed in parentheses reflects the age of the group leaders.  Any one is welcome to join any group.
Groups with an  *  have childcare provided.
Tue (10AM) | Suncrest (60+)
Watch "The Chosen" (Season 4) and discuss the life of Jesus.
Mon (6PM) | Suncrest (60+)
Dive into the Book of John.
Tue (6:30PM) | Suncrest (50s/60s)
Explore the Book of Colossians, verse by verse.
Tue (6PM) | Suncrest (30s/40s)
Study through the Book of Mark.
Tue (6:30PM) | Suncrest (60s)
Dig into Psalm 23 with Louie Giglio.
Tue (6:30PM) | Suncrest (40s)
Join as we discuss marriage!
Fri | Clayton (30s/40s)
Go through "Vertical Marriage" by Ann Wilson, Dave Wilson, & John Driver.
Mon (6PM) | Suncrest (40s)
Join to study "Kingdom Disciples" by Tony Evans.
Thur (6PM) | Suncrest (30s)
Work through the Book of 1 Peter.
Noland & McLellan
Tue (6:30PM) | Suncrest (60+)
Dive into the Book of John, verse by verse.
Mon (6:30PM) | Suncrest (60s)
Read through Max Lucado's "Life Lessons from John: When God Became Man"
Sun (6:30PM) | Suncrest (30s)
Did God make coffee? Yes, in fact, Hebrews.
Tue (6:30PM) | Suncrest (40s)
Join for a verse by verse study through the Book of Acts.
Sun (6:30PM) | Deer Park (30s)
Study "David: Developing a Heart for God" by Jack Kuhatcschek.
Wed (6PM) | Seven Mile (60s)
Explore a book of the Bible, verse by verse.
EMPTY NESTERS | Gibson/Carlson
Thur | Suncrest
Connect with others currently OR about to be in the "empty nester" stage of life! We'll read through "Doing Life with Your Adult Children" by Jim Burns.
Fri (6:30PM) | North Spokane
TBD (but it's gonna be great) (Meets monthly.)
EVENING Women's Bible Study
Sun (6PM) | @ church
Learn from "Psalm 23: Lessons From the Desert" by Ashley Wilkerson
*Childcare provided

community groups

Life is just better together.

Women's Bible Study

Thursdays | 10AM | Seasonally
With Women's Bible Study, our mornings are full of friends, laughter, enriching study -- and of course snacks!
Fall Season on begins in October
Childcare Provided

Parent Connection

Wednesdays | 7PM | During Mosaic/Clubs
Come hang out with other parents while the kids & students are doing their thing on church campus!  We'll go through a short devotional each week on Biblical parenting.
Meets right across the street from church at Suncrest Landscape Supply
No need to sign up for this group.  Just come as you’re able.
Starts up again in the fall!

Men's Breakfast | Zip's

Mondays | 8:30AM | Year-round
Let’s face it, Zip's offers a pretty legit breakfast for a small town!  This is an informal opportunity to connect, talk about sports, God or just life in general.
No need to sign up for this group.  Just come as you’re able.

Embrace Grace

Mondays | 6PM | Seasonally
An unexpected pregnancy can be scary. It’s normal to feel lost and alone and even a little afraid -- but we can help. You can have your baby and your dreams too! Join us for a 12-week program to learn about God's love and grace - and baby showers!

> Watch a Testimony Video <

Starting Point

Are you exploring faith, new to faith, or have questions about Jesus? This group will discuss who Jesus is
and following Him. Come ask the easy or hard questions in a welcoming and no pressure environment.
Most community groups meet at Suncrest Worship.
For information on our Sunday kids'/youth groups, The Bridge (5th-6th) or Breakfast Club (6th-12th), please visit our Kids' & Students' pages.

prayer communities

No special talents or gifts required, because anyone can pray!

Prayer Group

Tuesdays | 9:00AM | Year-round
Sundays | 6:00PM | Year-round
Join in-person, as we go to God in prayer! This is a special time to pray for personal needs, our church, our community and the mission of Jesus in every context.
Anyone welcome.  Come pray.  Come be prayed over.

Prayer Chain

Digital Group
Linked together by digital communication, this group is for people who take up their responsibility to pray, in their own time and place.  A fantastic way to get involved for anyone, in any life stage!

need more info before signing up for a group?

Small groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different neighborhoods, so use this form if you need a little extra help to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!