Bible Reading Plan

Reading the Bible is one thing.
Understanding it is another.

When you can do both, it’s truly life changing. God wants to speak to each one of us through His Word.  Want to know more? Check out our How to Study the Bible series.

Here are some Bible Reading Plans we like: 

If you're a paper & pen kind of person, we have a printed card with "60 of the Most Impactful Chapters" available at church.  It's purple!

Let's read the Bible together!

“Our life is always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts” --Pastor Craig Groeschel

What if just 5 to 10 minutes per day could change your life? Reading, memorizing, and meditating on Bible verses can help you feel better, realign your thoughts to God, and help you better fight off anxiety and depression.  So let’s fill up our minds with the Word of God, day by day, TOGETHER!

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